Final Grade Reporting
Final Grades must be entered within 72 hours after the last day of courses or final exams at the University. Any grades that are not submitted by the due date and time will be recorded as "MG" (Missing Grade). Grades entered for undergraduate and graduate students will be updated to academic history daily at 5:00 AM (ET), at which time GPA and course repeats calculations will also be refreshed. Professional schools may update grades on a different schedule. The Pass/Fail grading scheme is not permitted for undergraduate courses.
Grade Reporting Instructions
Grading is accessed through the TUportal using Self-Service Banner (SSB). On the Faculty Tools Tab, select "Enter Final Grades" from the Self-Service Banner for Faculty channel.
Last attend date: For a student who receives an F grade, please submit the last date of attendance or participation in an academically related activity such as:
- Attending asynchronous class, lecture, recitation, or field or laboratory activity, physically or online, where there is an opportunity for interaction between the you and student;
- Submitting an academic assignment;
- Taking an assessment or an exam;
- Participating in an interactive tutorial, webinar, or other interactive computer-assisted instruction;
- Participating in a study group, group project, or an online discussion that is assigned by the institution;
- Interacting with an instructor about academic matters.
The last attended date can be submitted in the grading module.
For further information, view the Quick Tips document. Faculty may contact their grading liaison for assistance.
Please note: For sections with multiple instructors, only the individual designated as primary will be permitted to submit grades; however, all instructors assigned may view grades.