What is a Leave of Absence?

A Leave of Absence (LoA) allows an active student to interrupt enrollment without having to apply for re-enrollment and without changing the requirements of their degree program. A degree-seeking student who does not register for consecutive semesters and is not on a Leave of Absence must apply for re-enrollment and will be subject to the newest degree requirements.


What should I know about taking a Leave of Absence?


While on a Leave of Absence, what am I eligible for?

  • Retention of the academic program requirements in place at the time of your matriculation at Temple, including the requirements in place at the time you declared your program, concentration, minor and/or certificate.
  • Temple e-mail access.
  • Priority registration for the semester of return.
  • Library access and borrowing privileges.


How do I apply for a Leave of Absence?

Currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students can access the Leave of Absence application in TUportal by following the steps below.

  1. Using your TUportal login, sign into the Leave of Absence app to apply for a Leave of Absence.
  2. Follow the prompts to complete the Leave of Absence request.
  3. Upon successful submission, you will receive an email confirmation with instructions for returning to Temple at the conclusion of your leave.

Professional students (dentistry, law, medicine, pharmacy, podiatric medicine) cannot presently use the Leave of Absence app and should contact their program coordinator.


Who should I contact for assistance?

You may discuss your intention for a Leave of Absence with your academic advisor or program coordinator.  

For policy details, please visit the Bulletin.