Registration Waitlisting

What is a registration waitlist?  

The registration waitlist allows students to be notified when a seat becomes available for a closed section. Not every section allows you to join a waitlist. You will be notified through your TUmail account when a seat becomes available. Once notified, you will need to register by the deadline noted in the email, typically 72 hours from notification (and 24 hours during the final week to waitlist). If you are not register by the deadline either administratively or via self-service, you will be dropped from the waitlist.  


If I join a waitlist, will I automatically be registered?

No, you will NOT automatically be registered. When a seat becomes available, you will receive an email sent to your TUmail account with instructions on how to register or drop yourself from the waitlist. It is your responsibility to check your email on a regular basis. Your advisors will NOT receive an email on your behalf. Waitlisting is not registration nor is it a guarantee for future registration. If you are on the waitlist on the day that it ends, you will be removed from the waitlist.


How do I join a waitlist?  

You may choose to join a waitlist by following these steps:  

  1. Sign-in to TUportal.
  2. Click on the Student Tools tab.
  3. Click Register for Classes in the Registration channel. 
  4. Select the Term.
  5. Select Waitlisted in the Action drop down box. 
  6. Click Submit Changes.


What else should I know about waitlisting?

We compiled responses to common questions we received from students. 

    I cannot self-register. Can I join a waitlist?

    Yes, you can join the waitlist with assistance from your advisor.  If you are notified of a seat available, you must contact your advising unit before your ‘take action’ deadline expires and/or you are dropped from the waitlist.  

    How do I know my position on the waitlist?

    You will not know your exact position on the waitlist. Your placement on the waitlist and notification of available seats will be on a first-come, first-served basis except when an advisor has a need to modify a student’s place on the list given extenuating circumstances.  

    Do I need to meet registration requirements to join a waitlist?

    Yes. You need to meet the same requirements to waitlist for a section as you would to register for that section.  

    When will waitlisting be available?

    Waitlist is available at the start of priority registration as soon as the section has no more seats available for registration, and will end the last weekday prior to the start of the semester. Waitlisting for Temple Japan sections will be phased out on a slightly different schedule. Schedules will be published closer to the beginning of the semester.

    Why do I have to waitlist for a section that appears to have an open seat?

    If a section is open (i.e., there are available seats) and there are students on the waitlist (WL ACT > 0) you can attempt to register; however, if the available seats are ‘locked down’ for the students on the waitlist you will be prompted with the option to join the waitlist.  

    Can I waitlist after registering for the max allowable credits?

    Yes. You can waitlist for a section after having registered for the maximum allowable credits for a semester. If notified of an available seat, you will have to drop a registered section before attempting to register for the waitlisted section if your credit total is above the allowable limit.  

    Can I waitlist for two sections of the same course?

    No. You may not waitlist for two sections of the amee course.  If there are open seats in a section of a course, you should register for the section. There is no guarantee that seats will become available in any waitlisted section.  

    Can I waitlist for a class for which I have already take twice?

    No. You cannot waitlist for a section of a course for which you have already taken twice. You may contact your academic advisor to discuss other options.  

    Can I join a waitlist if I have a hold that restricts registration?

    No. A hold restricting registration will also prevent you from joining a waitlist.  

    I have accidently dropped myself from a waitlist or changed my mind after dropping. What can I do?

    You can join the waitlist again if available. By dropping from the waitlist, you have forgone your spot on the waitlist and will move to the back of the line. 

    As a senior, do I get priority once joining a waitlist?

    No. Your placement on the waitlist and notification of available seats will be on a first-come, first-served basis except when an advisor has a need to modify a student’s place on the list given extenuating circumstances.

    What if I am notified of an available seat and I am no longer interested in registering?

    You should drop yourself from the waitlist right away. This will free up the available seat for the next student on the waitlist.

    Are multiple students on a waitlist notified when a seat become available?

    No. Students are notified by the order in which they appear on the list. If the first student declines to accept the offered seat or misses the reply deadline, that student is dropped from the waitlist and the seat is offered to the next student. More than one student may be notified at the same time only if multiple seats become available simultaneously.

    How do I know if I am still on a waitlist?

    You will not be dropped from a waitlist unless you have been notified of an available seat and you do not take action by the deadline or the waitlisting period has ended. You can see the sections you are waitlisted for by checking your registration roster.  

    Will I see my waitlisted sections on Canvas?

    No. Only classes for which you are registered will be available to you in Canvas.  

    Will I be billed for a waitlisted class?

    No. A waitlisted class is not a registered class. You are only billed for registered classes. 

    Does a waitlisted class count toward my total registered credits?

    No. A waitlisted class is not a registered class, so it does not count toward attempted credit or time status. For example, an undergraduate student who is actively registered in 10 credit hours and waitlisted for another three-credit course would be considered a part-time student for billing and enrollment reporting purposes.